Achievements of the 2010 Constitution After 13 Years


Building a Stronger Nation

As we commemorate the 13th anniversary of the 2010 Constitution, it is a moment to pause and acknowledge the significant strides we have made as a nation. The evolution of our democracy has brought about noteworthy accomplishments:

We are freer: The architects of the new constitution were profoundly influenced by the oppressive and authoritarian nature of the prior government. The 2010 Constitution embedded crucial rights such as freedom of expression and association into the bill of rights. According to a recent survey, about 85% of citizens now feel more comfortable expressing their opinions openly, a significant increase from the pre-constitution era when people feared reprisals for speaking out.

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Our elections have become more credible: The electoral process has seen remarkable improvements, enhancing the credibility and integrity of our elections. The constitution established institutions such as the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), ensuring a fairer representation of the people\’s will from the mlolongo system. The elimination of rigging practices that marred previous elections has led to an increase in public trust in the electoral process.

Devolution has empowered local communities: The introduction of forty seven counties through the constitution has decentralized power and resources, giving local communities more control over their development. This transformative shift has led to increased participation in decision-making. As a result, there has been a rise in community-led development projects, directly addressing regional challenges.

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Enhanced gender representation: The constitution introduced the two-thirds gender principle, advocating for greater gender equity in various leadership positions. This progressive stance has paved the way for increased female participation in both politics and decision-making roles, resulting in a bout 25% increase in female representation in parliament and local governments.

Judicial independence and accountability: The constitution strengthened the independence of the judiciary, ensuring a fairer and more just legal system. This has led to landmark rulings that uphold the rule of law, demonstrating the constitution\’s commitment to justice and accountability. Notably, the judicial backlog has decreased by 50% since the constitution\’s implementation.

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As we celebrate these achievements, it\’s important to recognize that the journey is ongoing. Challenges remain, and there\’s still work to be done to fully realize the aspirations of the 2010 Constitution. Yet, it\’s undeniable that these 13 years have brought us closer to the democratic and inclusive society we envisioned, and they stand as a testament to our collective commitment to progress.

-By Boniface Muema Harrison

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