Africa Climate Summit Wasn\’t Just Talk


A Blueprint for Climate Resilience

This week, Kenya played host to a momentous occasion in African history. The Africa Climate Summit, held at the Kenyatta International Convention Center in Nairobi, stands as a pivotal and groundbreaking event of our era. It convened leaders and experts from around the world to address the urgent challenges posed by the swiftly shifting climate in Africa. Indeed, the smell of rain is no longer as it used to be when we were young.

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I participated in a substantial part of the summit. However, prior to delving into the crucial highlights, allow me to address some remarks in response to what I\’ve observed from a certain faction of individuals:

Gatherings should never be dismissed as mere time-wasting affairs, nor can they be reduced to frivolous photo opportunities. While capturing moments is certainly not an issue, it is crucial to recognize that some of the most consequential decisions in our global history have emerged from summits and meetings. From the birth of Pan-Africanism in Manchester to the partitioning of Africa at the Berlin Conference, and from the world-altering Treaty of Versailles to the inception of the East African Community at the Arusha meeting, and most recently, the Nairobi declaration, these gatherings have shaped the course of nations. Therefore, it is wise to view meetings as platforms for strategic action and foster more of them for the effective implementation of agreements.

Climate Change is not a hoax. It is real. While natural fluctuations in weather patterns are expected, undeniable evidence confirms that human actions are accelerating ecological degradation. Urgent climate action is imperative, with a primary focus on mitigating human-induced harm to the environment. The urgency of addressing this crisis cannot be overstated.

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Shifting our focus to the resounding success of the climate summit, here are some standout highlights I found from the event:

Climate financing: Initiatives to conduct climate action such as grassroots awareness, mobilization, policy formulation and green energy require monetary facilitation to be implemented. Amidst calls for a fairer and more fit-for-purpose global financial architecture, Africa bagged Ksh.3.3 Trillion financial commitment as announced by leaders at conclusion of the summit, providing crucial support to advance sustainable and environmentally friendly projects across the continent.

World politics: In President Ruto\’s opening statement, he emphasized the need for Africa to shift away from dwelling on historical injustices and instead foster collaboration with the West to address Africa\’s challenges. The Western nations welcomed this approach, with donations and pledging their support at COP28 in Dubai, leaving the East, who have been seen wooing some African countries, notably sidelined in this crucial event.

Children and Gender Focus: At the First Ladies\’ Pavilion, participated in a session shedding light on the dire circumstances women face during disasters. It became abundantly clear that they bear the brunt of such calamities. Similarly, while visiting the UNICEF booth, I encountered alarming data illustrating the devastating impact of floods, droughts, and other crises on innocent children. It is imperative that we take swift action to protect not just women and children but also safeguard the future of an entire generation.

I crossed paths with familiar faces and esteemed organizations I\’ve collaborated with in the past, as well as those I ardently follow. My encounter with the Konza City team led to an engaging discussion about the recently opened Open University. UNICEF, as previously mentioned, broadened my understanding of children\’s welfare. Magical Kenya extended an inviting offer to plan a vacation, while Greenpeace Africa is actively fundraising to challenge a restrictive law aimed at farmers. On Monday evening, I had a delightful catch-up session with Senator Kiio Wambua from my homecounty, Kitui. Though our conversation didn\’t delve deeply into our homeland, we managed to capture a memorable selfie. I\’m optimistic that we\’ll embark on numerous collaborative endeavors in the future.

Also Read: Women Are Leading Change In Society

Remember my previous article regarding the promising opportunities at the summit? I\’m thrilled to report that those aspirations have indeed materialized. For the full details, please refer to the article linked here, sparing us the need to revisit the topic extensively.

During the event, I had the chance to reunite with my comrades and friends. It was a delightful experience as we interacted with diverse people, engaged in lively conversations, and captured cherished moments through good-looking photographs. Regrettably, you missed our enthusiastic declaration: \”Tukutane COP28, Dubai,\” promising a future reunion in greater courses of action for our country.

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