Opportunities Galore at the Africa Climate Summit


Unlocking a Sustainable Future

When confirmation emails started flowing in from the Africa Climate Summit organizers, many people reached out to me to check whether I had been selected. One told me \’I expect you to be aware of such events\’ before inviting me to their side event. I had been fortunate, my application was successful and I collected my badge yesterday.

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As I arrived at City Hall, I noticed another hall named Charter Hall, though I wasn\’t sure if it had always been there. To my surprise, a long line of men and women were anxiously waiting for their badges, with some nearly tumbling over each other. Curious, I approached one lady and inquired about the situation. She explained, \’We were told to come at 2pm because they were still in the process of printing the cards. It seemed like quite a hassle.

Delegates queuing to collect their Africa Climate Summit Badges on Friday 31st August 2023 at City Hall, Nairobi City County Headquarters, Nairobi CBD, Kenya

As I observed this, a thought crossed my mind: \’If this is the situation in just obtaining a small plastic badge, then without doubt, we will be more efficient in implementing climate change programs in our continent, even better than those out there.\’ I reassured myself of our commitment to the cause.

Furthermore, during our wait in line, I also took the opportunity to engage in conversations with those around me. Some were affiliated with NGOs, government ministries, international bodies, foreign citizens, and others were Kenyan locals, just like myself. My primary focus was on understanding their outlook regarding the potential opportunities they might get from the summit. While there remains a faction with contentious beliefs about climate change, other than the themed, the following opportunities are also promising at the summit:

Networking & Collaboration: Climate Change enthusiasts will get the opportunity to connect with people in the same pursuit from across Africa and the around the world. This will lead to sustainable connections and may result in possible partnerships for future projects.

Learning Opportunities: Climate Change stakeholders will have the opportunity to learn about the efforts of other participants in protecting the planet and explore how they can incorporate these actions into their own initiatives or use their expertise to develop innovative solutions. The sharing of knowledge will be a key focus during the sessions, fostering growth and progress.

Also read: Decolonizing or Merely Customizing?

Internship, attachment & Volunteer Opportunities: Students pursuing environmental science, engineering, and related fields have numerous opportunities to network with potential employers. If you\’re a climate justice activist, you\’ll find many organizations doing similar to what you do, so it\’s essential to attend and make a strong first impression. Polish your English kidogo and have a firm a handshake. That may land you into the next big opportunity.

Food might be provided, but that is not yet confirmed. Make sure to show up with a balanced stomach, neither too stuffed for a buffet nor too hungry in case it\’s an open-air. I\’ll be excited to greet you at the summit from 4th September 2023 to 6th if you\’re able to join.


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