Our Work
Igniting Positive Change through Inclusive Conversations and Collaborative Social Initiatives
Important Announcement
Call for Storytellers
3rd Anniversary
16 Days of Activism Against GBV
Gender Based Violence as a Barrier to Female Political Participation
16 Days of Activism Against GBV
How To Build sustainable social networks
The Kenya Diaspora Investment Summit
YouthConnekt Africa Summit 2023
Our Impact Beyond Borders
What People Say About Us
I take this moment to express my sincere appreciation for the incredible work MuemAction Post does. I want to commend you on the good work and the impact you are making in the society. The Articles, thoughts and engagements are always well articulated and they definately provide valuable insights which is a clear indication of the effort and commitment you put as you prepare your content. Your dedication, passion and commitment is so inspiring. I recommend everyone to interact with this change bringing organization, MuemAction Post! Sending best wishes and support.
Amazing and realistic discussions on topics encountered in daily life since my first interaction with MuemAction Posts. I find the blogs and posts encouraging.From basic life teachings to politics and governance and the vices herein. I'd recommend it to the public in general but moreso youths who share same ambitions and struggles to engage with MuemAction Posts.
MuemAction Post as a site addressing social, health, and political challenges is a valuable platform for raising awareness and fostering discussion on important issues. The site provides well-researched content, diverse perspectives, and constructive engagement with its audience. It's a valuable resource reminding us to embrace diversity. To our youths I would like to recommend this site to you. Follow and be informed about the social, political and health issues happening in our country and around us.
Over the years it has been hard to follow and read news on newspapers where initially the mankind used to get some brilliant thought provoking ideas and knowledge. In the recent years these insights have been brought closer to the young generation with the inception of MuemAction Post which speaks and writes the language that the young people relate with at a large degree. By covering issues ranging from politics to social well-being and economy stimulating ideas then I found a worthy to read posts which I have committed never to miss any article by that media company. I encourage my fellow youths to spare some time to go through the nuggets of MuemAction Post and equip both their career and social life with knowledge scarce in our current generation of social media technology. Success as you enjoy the life changing content.
Such an inspiration to have a platform for people to access diverse topics touching on the society. With current societal challenges and changes with generations, the action post has created a mass influence among the young people and we are cruising nicely.