The Flock\’s Final Amen

Pastor\’s Parting Blessing: A Look Back at Decades of Spiritual Leadership in Our Village.

Last year ended with a deep monumental occasion in our village. Our long-serving pastor, Pastor James Mukungu, hanged his boots after fifteen years of service preaching the gospel in our church.

Faces of the congregants appeared dull on the last Sunday with fond memorise as he bid farewell in a lengthy but catchy speech enriched with genuine appreciation and reminiscing the long journey. One could tell from his intonation that the man who had become one of us and he understood our ways was now leaving.

A lot has happened since the year 2009 when he was sent to this new work station. The sale of an illicit local brew ended drastically. Three governments took over – He always prayed for good governance every Sunday in the opening prayer. Village witchcraft has also reduced significantly. He taught the true word, and souls have been cleansed the blood of Christ. Aleluyah!

When he was installed as our pastor by the district church council, we were in lower primary. Then there came fellowship sessions every Wednesday evening since our school and church are just nose and mouth. In fact, they share a name – Ndili Primary School and AIC Ndili Church, opposite each other in Ndili village popularly known as \’half london\’ needless to ask why.

He must have pioneered this program, because I do not remember attending a \’Kìvoyo\’ as a pupil under any other pastor.

His teachings were interesting. As a former teacher, later a district head of education and with then his advanced age, he had mastered the art of storytelling, the wisdom of life, and impacting lessons to children.

His focus was on the Old Testament. You know there are intriguing stories there and very unforgettable names when read in Kikamba to a child for the first time. Words like Aítìtì (Hitites), Ùkanga Mùtùne (Red sea), Makìthathì (first borns), and how in a dream, fat cows swallowed thin ones.

The story of the Israelites dominated his teachings. From Abraham, maybe even before Abraham all the way to the construction of the pyramids, to the wilderness stories, the death of Moses, Joshua, even the story of a prostitute called Laavì.

He was a dynamic teacher. Thus, occasionally, he organized for films of these stories.We sat quietly eyes glued to the wall as the projector illuminated stories we lived to hear. Those days, only one primary schools teacher had a Sanyo Television and small solar panel in the entire village.

And he taught us significant songs. A song like \’Syana sya Ìsìlaelì ìla syaì Mìsìlì, Nìsyatethasya mawìa ala maì vìnya muno… that, when the children of Isreal were in Egypt, they they were slaves.

Something that has made his teachings unforgettable till to date.

On every Wednesday after the fellowship, he\’d ask if anyone wanted to get saved, and I was on the list every week alongside other guys. We\’d be left behind, gather around the pulpit holding hands and repeat solemn words after him, then pray. A good reason why my faith is unshakeable and my life belongs wholly to Christ.

As he retires, we of those days whom he has seen through to reach even university levels thank him wholeheartedly for his teachings, patience and kindness that lay a strong foundation in our morals and understanding of life. You would go to him with a form that requires your pastor\’s signature, and especially if you were an active child in church, sang in the choir or cleaned the church you\’d have it very easy. I was a good child.

I wish him good health, happiness in his age, and an abundance of blessings from God who sent him to us and made him such a graceful man.

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